Utakata Shojo
ローマ短編映画祭 部門最優秀賞をはじめ、世界各国で21個受賞いただいています。
This is a work that pursues visual beauty, unfolding in beautiful and mysterious images.
It depicts a mysterious atmosphere that lies between reality and sentiment. The film has received 20 awards from around the world,
including the category Best Short Film at the Roma Short Film Festival.
ひとが羨むほどの裕福な家庭に生まれ育った葵。 美しく優しい母、穏やかで頼もしい父、
そんな葵の前に現れた椿。 椿によって葵は、はじめて心の安らぎを知る。
It was the girl with the red umbrella who helped me out of the suffocating life in which I felt like I was drowning.Aoi is born and raised in a wealthy family that people are jealous of. A beautiful and kind mother, a gentle and reliable father, and a cheerful and good-natured me. Aoi is spending her days in a suffocating life, unconsciously playing the role given to her. Then, Tsubaki appears in front of Aoi. Through Tsubaki, Aoi finds peace of mind for the first time.
「神楽、舞う瞬間」は、つんく♂さん総監修 中2映画プロジェクト×西端実歩監督で制作した、音楽映画です。
‘Kagura’ is a musical movie produced by Tsunku as the general supervisor coupled with Miho Nishihata as the director.

2XXX年、この世は『音楽』が存在しない世界となっていた。 250年ほど前に流行病によって人々の暮らしは一変したのだ。 ストリートチルドレンのマナ(SHURI)とテル(前田 晴香) は、毎日を精一杯生きていた。
In a world where voiced connections among people have been lost for a viral, infectious disease, with “music” itself gone among all, a girl named Mana (the heroine) will over time figure out the force that lies in music, along with Teru, a girl she admires like her own elder sister.
Roma Short Film Festival Best Women Empowerment / First Women Film Festival Best Experimental/Art Film Awards Best Experimental Film / World Indie Film Awards Best Experimental Short Best Poster/Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival SPECIAL MENTION /London International Monthly Film Festival SPECIAL MENTION /
Andromeda Film Festival Best Experimental/Monthly Indie Shorts Best Inspirational /Beyond Border International Film Festival BEST SILENT FILM/Crownwood Film Festival Best woman's short film/Blackboard International Film Festival Best Experimental Film/Golden Lion International Film Festival Best Women Director - Short Film/Eastern Europe International Movie Awards Best Experimental Short Film/Tokyo International Monthly Film Festival Best Poster SPECIAL MENTION/Tietê International Film Awards Best Director Best Lead Actor/Make Art Not Fear Best Poetry Short/Independent Film Awards BEST FIRST TIME DIRECTOR SHORT FILM
Tokyo Youth Film Festival Best Music Award /Roma Short Film Festival Women Empowerment/
Art Film Awards Director Short Film /Independent Film Awards BEST DIRECTOR SHORT FILM BEST SOUND DESIGN